harsh regulations 意味

  • 過酷{かこく}な規則{きそく}


        harsh:     harsh adj. あらい, 耳障りな; 厳しい; 不快な. 【副詞】 under extremely harsh conditions きわめて厳しい条件の下で You're being overly harsh on the kids. あなたは子供たちに対してはなはだしく厳しい The noise was terribly harsh to the
        harsh on:    (人)に対して厳しい、無情な、手厳しい Maybe I've been too harsh on Bob. Don't be too harsh on me in your memoirs. The elements really are harsh on the hair. You think I was harsh on your classmate, don't you? Maybe y
        by regulations:    規則上{きそく じょう}
        regulations:    regulations 制令 せいれい 規則 きそく 紀律 きりつ 典則 てんそく 準則 じゅんそく 条例 じょうれい
        feel harsh:    肌触りが悪い
        harsh aluminium:    味気{あじけ}ないアルミ
        harsh aluminum:    味気{あじけ}ないアルミ
        harsh and wild:    荒削りで野生的{やせい てき}な
        harsh aspect:    厳しい側面{そくめん}
        harsh assessment:    厳しい予測{よそく}
        harsh attitude:    厳しい態度{たいど}
        harsh battle:    過酷{かこく}な戦い
        harsh blow:    大打撃{だいだげき}
        harsh braking:    急ブレーキ
        harsh budget:    厳しい予算{よさん}


  1. "harsh realities of life" 意味
  2. "harsh realities of life!" 意味
  3. "harsh reality" 意味
  4. "harsh reality of international politics" 意味
  5. "harsh reality that the two countries are at war" 意味
  6. "harsh repression" 意味
  7. "harsh reprisal" 意味
  8. "harsh response" 意味
  9. "harsh rhetoric" 意味
  10. "harsh reality of international politics" 意味
  11. "harsh reality that the two countries are at war" 意味
  12. "harsh repression" 意味
  13. "harsh reprisal" 意味

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